Professional Work

LANDMARK GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------------I started working for Landmark Group in March of 2011 as their Search Engine Optimizer and Webmaster. My main responsibilities are to: create and maintain certain Landmark domains, work to increase the sites' visibility in search engine results, work with the company's social media accounts (facebook, blogger, wordpress and youtube), lead sales meetings, develop and send out email campaigns, create flyers for open houses, post on Craigslist, create car wraps for Landmark vehicles, input all listings into MLS and translate for any Spanish speakers. In my time here, I've created six websites, managed eleven URLs and have increased Landmark Group's online presence by over 50%. 

Here are the domains I've completely designed/redesigned and published since my start here:
And here are some additional domains I've managed for Landmark:

 *** Please, click here to view a flickr album of all my work samples from Landmark Group!

GREEN INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. ----------------------------------My main objective as the Marketing Intern was to create an informational booklet detailing the company's services and skill sets. I put together a 45-page booklet - in both English and Spanish - for GIT to hand out at proposal meetings and as a leave-behind for potential clients. The samples below are a few pages taken out of the book, with the English and Spanish version available. (Click on an image to enlarge it.)